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Creeds Athletic Association




The name of this organization shall be The Creeds Athletic Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “CAA”.



Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including for such purposes the making of distributions to organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).

The specific purpose of this organization is to provide sports training and education programs for the youth, as defined by the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation, for the Creeds community of which the boundaries are set by the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation.



Section 1 – No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensations for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).

Section 2 – This Association shall be non-sectarian and shall adopt no policy that fails to benefit the youth and families of the community in wholesome recreation.

Section 3 – The operating policies of the Association shall be set by the Board of Directors and recorded by the Secretary in a policy manual.

Section 4 – “Robert's Rules of Order” (current revisions) shall be followed in any matter not covered by these Articles of Incorporation and By-laws.



Membership is open to any family that resides within the confines of the CAA area as delineated by the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation.

Any interested adult not having children participating in a sports program of the Association may become a registered member by being granted honorary membership by the Board of Directors.

The Association may also confer special membership upon a person when the Association feels that such a person has made immeasurable contributions to the Association and its objectives. Such membership shall endure for the life of the recipients and privileges of annual dues. Special memberships shall be elected by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

A member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Association. Each member may cast only one (1) vote.

A member is defined as any adult who is the parent/guardian of a CAA participant who has had an active participant within the past 12-month period. 

A member must be in good standing and not in violation to participate in a board position or in elections.



Upon the dissolution of this Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) or shall be distributed to the Federal government or to state or local government for a public purpose.



A fee shall be assessed for each participant in each activity. This fee will accrue to the general treasury of the Association and will be used to help defray the general expenses of the Association. The amount of this fee will be recommended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to be approved by the general membership at a minimum of one month prior to open registration for each activity. A complete list of registration fees is included in Annex A. 

No child shall be denied the opportunity to participate in an activity due to an inability to pay the fee. The final determination of a waiver of the fee shall rest with the President of the Association. The parent or guardian should be encouraged to assist with the activity in any way he/she can.

Refunds will be distributed at the discretion of the Board of Directors. General guidelines regarding refunds are as follows:

  1. if a player registers, pays, and subsequently begins practicing with the team and is unable to continue participation, he/she can expect to be refunded 50% of the registration fee;

  2. if a player, registers, pays, and subsequently plays in a regularly scheduled game, he/she will not receive any registration fees

Exceptions to the aforementioned guidelines will be handled on a case-by-case basis. A quorum of the Board of Directors must be reached in order to put forth any decision regarding refunds which do not adhere to the circumstances mentioned above.



All sponsorship funds must go directly into the Association's general fund, unless specifically allocated for scholarships. Any person receiving funds must turn them over to the Association Treasurer within forty-eight (48) hours.


Any funds donated or raised by individuals or teams shall go directly into the Association's general fund, unless specifically allocated for scholarships.

Door-to-door fundraising by the youth of the Association is strictly forbidden. Adult supervision of youths during fundraising endeavors and activities is mandatory at all times.

Any person or group who wishes to raise funds for the Association must submit its ideas to the Board of Directors for approval at least one (1) month prior to the fundraising event.



The Executive Officers of the Association, who are elected officers, will be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Area Chairman, and Treasurer. Each Executive Officer will take office immediately upon his/her election and will serve for a 2-year term. The election of the President, Area Chairman, and Secretary will be held on even years. The election of Vice President, Parliamentarian, and Treasurer will be held on odd years. No two (2) household members may hold Executive Office positions during the same election period unless agreed upon by all members of the Board of Directors. The sports Coordinators will be appointed by the Executive Officers and will serve as members of the Board of Directors until other coordinators are appointed to take their places.


The President will be the chief officer of the Association and will preside over all meetings of the Association and will chair the Board of Directors. He/she will be an ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee. The President will be authorized to countersign drafts against the Association bank account. He/she will have the authority to appoint committees, as needed. He/she will ensure that each Board Member and Sports Coordinator is given a copy of his/her job description. He/she will be responsible for coordinating sports registrations with applicable Sports Coordinators and ensure, with the Vice President's assistance, the proper notification to all active Association members concerning upcoming sports registrations.


The Vice President of the Association will perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President and will chair the Nominating Committee. He/she will be in direct charge of publication and distribution of all Association meeting notices and will be of direct assistance to the President. He/she will be responsible for the accountability of all Association property. He/she will maintain the Association membership roster and provide copies to the Treasurer, Secretary and Equipment Coordinator. He/she will act as Interim President in the event that the President resigns.


The Parliamentarian will maintain order at all general membership meetings and all Board of Directors meetings. He/she will advise the President, the Board of Directors and any and all committees as to proper compliance with the Association By-laws and the By-laws for the Department of Parks and Recreation for the City of Virginia Beach and any other sports associations as required. He/she will maintain a copy of said By-laws and will have it at all meetings. He/she will help the presiding officer by interpreting the By-laws and Robert's Rules of Order and giving an opinion when called upon to do so.

SECRETARY The Secretary will keep a record of Association meetings and the meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary will maintain a current list of Board members' addresses and phone numbers. He/she will administer all correspondence of the Association. He/she will read the minutes of the previous meeting, including attendance. He/she will record approved By-laws and submit approved changes to the Parliamentarian. He/she will call Board members to remind them of upcoming events. The Secretary will be authorized to countersign drafts against the Association bank account.


The Treasurer will keep an account of all monies received and expended for the use of the Association and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer will be authorized to countersign drafts against the Association bank account. He/she will be required to qualify for bond in the amount of $10,000, with corporate surety, chosen by the Association and the fee for said bond would be paid from the funds of this Association. The bond will be kept with the Association papers. He/she will be responsible for keeping accurate financial records of the income and expenses incurred individually by each activity of the Association (i.e., basketball income and expense journal) with a report given each month to the Board of Directors as part of the Treasurer's report and a final statement submitted at the conclusion of each individual activity, in order to facilitate proper budgeting for the following season.

He/she will receive and verify all purchase orders and vouchers for equipment approved by the Board of Directors in writing and attach to the appropriate bill for payment. The successor Treasurer and one member elected at large by the Board of Directors will audit the Treasurer’s books each year. In the event the Treasurer succeeds himself/herself, the Board of Directors shall elect one member at large and one member of the Board of Directors to serve on the Audit Committee. The results of the audit will be known publicly at the first regular meeting after the election of officers.


The Area Chairman will represent the Association at all Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation or other sports/recreation organization functions that are of interest to the Association. He/she will serve as liaison between the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation, or other sports/recreation organizations and the Association Sports Coordinators.

He/she will recommend and obtain approval of the Board of Directors for any and all deletions or expansions to the Association's programs. He/she will be responsible for waivers/releases as required by the City By-laws with the assistance of the Sports Coordinator.

He/she will serve as the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee to review and rule on any and all grievances.

He/she will recruit adult leadership to help promote, plan and work with the Association. He/she will work closely with the schools, PTA and other civic organizations in the area of the Association in order to promote involvement with the Association in the spirit of cooperation.


The Board of Directors will consist of the six Executive Officers, who are elected and serve as active committee chairpersons, and the Sports Coordinators, who are appointed by the Executive Officers. They will be responsible to the membership for the overall management and operations of the Association. Their responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Present a yearly budget.

  2. Hold regular meetings the second Monday of every month; hold special meetings as called for by the President or the Board of Directors in emergency situations with a minimum of 24 hours notice to all Board members;

  3. Ensure an audit of the Association treasury once a year with presentation to the general membership at the May meeting;

  4. Attend monthly meetings and general membership meetings; if three (3) consecutive board meetings are missed without a valid excuse, membership on the Board of Directors may be rescinded; and

  5. Maintain and enforce the Coaches Code of Conduct of the Association.


Each Sports Coordinator will be responsible within the area of his/her particular sport in organizing the athletic program. He/she will enlist and instruct all coaches necessary to ensure a thorough knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations of the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation, the Association, and any other organization in which the Association is participating.

He/she will provide each team and the Treasurer with a roster of players and will review with and obtain from all head coaches and assistants a signed copy of the Association's Coaches Code of Conduct to be turned over to the Area Chairman.

He/she will coordinate with the Equipment Coordinator the issuance and return of all team equipment and uniforms and will coordinate all practice schedules of all teams. In order to protect the Association, he/she will ensure that no child practices or plays on an Association team without being properly registered.

He/she will ensure that all registered participants are placed on a team and that they receive at least the minimum amount of playing time according to the current sports guidelines.

He/she will ensure that each head coach has received copies of the game schedules, practice schedules, and the rules and regulations of his/her sport.

He/she will advise all coaches of any rescheduled games.

He/she will notify the Equipment Coordinator on the number and types of teams requiring equipment and uniforms. He/she will serve as a member of the Grievance Committee for his/her sport.

He/she will keep a current inventory of all equipment and uniforms and will obtain a copy of all current equipment check-out forms from each team.

He/she will provide the Board of Directors with a budget for the upcoming sports season to include the procurement of new uniforms and equipment. This should be submitted prior to the season.

He/she will provide the Board of Directors with a prospective list of coaches for the Board's approval.

He/she will hold a mandatory coaches meeting prior to each season.

He/she will ensure that all facilities are in appropriate condition.

He/she will ensure that all relevant documentation pertaining to his/her sport and position is passed on to the President of the Association.

He/she will coordinate the scheduling and purchase of team pictures with the Team Parent Coordinator as required.


In addition to the duties of a Sports Coordinator, the Farm Sports Coordinators will conduct registrations, drafts and league games in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Association.


In addition to the duties of a Sports Coordinator, the City Sports Coordinators will conduct registrations, drafts and league games in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation.


He/she will hold a meeting with all team parents within the first three weeks of each season's start. He/she will advise each team parent of his/her job description (See Exhibit A). He/she will serve as an aide to the Equipment Coordinator to ensure that each coach or team parent collects equipment and uniforms and turns them in at the end of each season. He/she will work with the Sports Coordinator to ensure that team pictures are scheduled and taken in an orderly environment.


The Equipment Coordinator will be responsible for the procurement of and be accountable for all athletic equipment and uniforms belonging to the Association. He/she will, prior to the issuance of any equipment or uniforms, conduct a complete physical inventory of the specific sports equipment and uniforms against the current inventory records, annotating any overage, shortage or discrepancy and the equipment's compliance with safety standards set by the City and will submit his/her findings to the Board of Directors.

He/she will receive from and provide to Sports Coordinators current inventory records of each sport's equipment and uniforms.

He/she will propose in writing to the Board of Directors a consolidated list of all equipment and uniform procurement needs, stating the need, number, description and the cost for the Board of Directors' approval prior to procurement. The Association will provide sufficient space and containers for storage of all equipment and uniforms. He/she will confirm with each Sports Coordinator that all uniforms and equipment are thoroughly cleaned prior to storage.

He/she will ensure the availability of and procure, if necessary, any specific sports equipment for general use by teams participating in that sport.

He/she will evaluate each team's equipment, uniforms requirements and any general usage equipment in the realm of his/her responsibility and submit in writing, to the Board of Directors, a list of all equipment and uniforms required for issuance but not available in the equipment storeroom.

The Equipment Coordinator will coordinate with the applicable Sports Coordinator, a schedule of equipment and uniform issuance. He/she will obtain from and retain a signed copy of the equipment check-out form of issued equipment and uniforms signed by the coach.

He/she will coordinate with each specific Sports Coordinator, within fourteen (14) days of season completion, the return of all team equipment, uniforms and all general-purpose equipment checked out. He/she will ensure that all equipment and uniforms are thoroughly cleaned prior to receipt from the coaches and is to reject all items not properly cleaned.

He/she will obtain from each applicable coach, the names of any players failing to return equipment or uniforms. If the coach is unable to supply the applicable name(s), the coach will assume the responsibility for the non-returned equipment and/or uniforms.

In addition to these responsibilities, the Equipment Coordinator will be responsible for:


CITY TACKLE: He/she will provide each team with a sufficient number of protective mouthpieces to be distributed to team players. He/she will provide a sufficient number of practice balls, kicking tees, helmets, protective pads and uniforms for practices. He/she will make sure all gear is fitted properly. He/she will provide each team with a complete first aid kit.


TEE-BALL: He/she will supply each team with a sufficient number of baseballs, one (1) batting tee, four (4) batting helmets, one (1) set of bases and two (2) bats. He/she will supply to the appropriate Sports Coordinator enough game balls for the season. He/she will provide each team with a complete first aid kit.

FARM LEAGUES (COACH PITCH, FARM BASEBALL, PIGTAILS, PONYTAIL, TEENS): He/she will provide each team with a sufficient number of baseballs/softballs, one (1) set of bases, two (2) bats, four (4) batting helmets, and one (1) set of catchers equipment. He/she will supply to the appropriate Sports Coordinator enough game balls for the season, one (1) set of home plate umpire equipment consisting of a face mask, chest protector, shin guards, two (2) ball/strike/out indicators, and one (1) whisk broom. He/she will provide each team with a complete first aid kit.

CITY LEAGUE SOFTBALL: He/she will provide each team with a sufficient number of baseballs/softballs, five (5) batting helmets, one (1) set of catchers equipment, one (1) set of bases, and the required number of bats. He/she will provide the Sports Coordinator enough game balls for the season. He/she will provide each team with a complete first aid kit.


FARM AND CITY LEAGUES: He/she will provide each team two (2) basketballs and five (5) pennies to be retained by the gym supervisor. He/she will provide each gym with a complete first aid kit.


FARM AND CITY LEAGUES: He/she will provide each team with a sufficient number of volleyballs and uniforms. He/she will provide each gym with a complete first aid kit.


Fundraising coordinator

 The Fundraising Coordinator plays a pivotal role in supporting the organization’s fundraising efforts by planning, executing, and coordinating various fundraising initiatives. This individual will collaborate with internal teams, donors, and external partners to drive financial support that enables the organization to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals.

Fundraising Strategy: Develop and implement fundraising strategies in alignment with the organization's goals and financial needs.

Campaign Planning: Plan and execute fundraising campaigns, including setting goals, timelines, and coordinating resources.

Donor Cultivation: Identify, cultivate, and maintain relationships with potential donors, sponsors, and supporters to secure financial contributions.

Proposal Writing: Prepare grant proposals, sponsorship pitches, and fundraising appeals to solicit funding from individuals, corporations, and foundations.

Event Coordination: Organize fundraising events approved by BOD ensuring seamless execution and participant engagement.

Donor Stewardship: Create and implement strategies to acknowledge and appreciate donors, keeping them engaged and informed about the organization's impact.

Database Management: Maintain accurate and up-to-date donor databases, tracking contributions, interactions, and donor preferences.

Budget Oversight: Manage fundraising budgets, monitor expenses, and ensure that funds are allocated appropriately to maximize impact.

Reporting and Analysis: Track and analyze fundraising metrics, prepare reports, and provide insights to measure the effectiveness of fundraising efforts.

Networking: Attend community gatherings to build relationships, enhance the organization's visibility, and identify potential funding opportunities.

Compliance: Stay informed about fundraising regulations, legal requirements, and ethical standards, ensuring all activities adhere to relevant guidelines.

Communication: Craft compelling fundraising materials, including newsletters, social media posts, and website content, to engage supporters and convey the organization's mission.

Volunteer Engagement: Recruit, train, and manage volunteers to assist with fundraising events, donor outreach, and administrative tasks.

Innovation: Research and implement new fundraising techniques, technologies, and best practices to enhance the organization's fundraising capabilities.

Donor Retention: Develop strategies to retain existing donors, fostering long-term relationships and encouraging recurring contributions.

Grant Management: Oversee the grant application process, ensuring timely submissions, compliance with grant requirements, and effective reporting.

Financial Transparency: Maintain accurate records of donations, expenditures, and fundraising outcomes, providing transparency to donors and stakeholders.

     Social media coordinator

The Social Media Coordinator is responsible for executing and enhancing the organization’s social media presence and engagement strategies. This role involves content creation, community management, data analysis, and collaboration with cross-functional teams to ensure consistent messaging and successful online engagement.

Content Creation: Develop engaging and original content, including text, images, and videos, tailored to each social media platform's audience and style.

Posting and Scheduling: Create and manage a content calendar, schedule posts, and ensure consistent and timely updates across various social media channels.

Community Management: Monitor and engage with audience comments, messages, and mentions, fostering positive interactions and addressing inquiries or concerns.

Analytics Tracking: Monitor social media metrics, track performance, and generate regular reports to assess the effectiveness of campaigns and strategies.

Social Media Strategy: Contribute to the development of social media strategies aligned with the BOD’s goals, target audience, and overall marketing efforts.

Visual Consistency: Maintain the Association’s visual identity by adhering to design guidelines and ensuring consistency in visual elements across all posts.

Paid Advertising: Assist in creating and managing social media ad campaigns, optimizing targeting, budgets, and ad copy for maximum ROI.

Crisis Management: Respond to negative comments or issues promptly and professionally, following established protocols for managing crises.

Platform Exploration: Research and evaluate new and emerging social media platforms, recommending relevant channels for brand expansion.

Audience Research: Analyze audience demographics, behaviors, and preferences to tailor content and messaging effectively.

      Concessions Coordinator

The Concessions Coordinator plays a vital role in managing and overseeing the concessions operations for events and venues. This position involves coordinating the setup, operations, and customer service aspects of concession stands to ensure a positive and seamless experience for attendees. The Concessions Coordinator collaborates with vendors, staff, and event organizers to deliver quality concessions services, enhance guest satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of events.


Operations Management:

- Coordinate the setup and teardown of concession stands for events, ensuring they are well-organized and stocked with appropriate supplies.

- Oversee concession staff during events, providing clear instructions and ensuring smooth operations.

- Monitor inventory levels, restock supplies as needed, and manage product rotation to maintain freshness and quality.

Vendor Relations:

- Communicate with vendors to coordinate deliveries, resolve issues, and ensure timely replenishment of concession products.

- Negotiate contracts and agreements with vendors to secure favorable terms and pricing for concession items.

Customer Service:

- Train and supervise concession staff to deliver excellent customer service, handling inquiries, processing transactions, and resolving guest concerns.

- Ensure concession staff adhere to hygiene and food safety standards, promoting a clean and safe environment for customers.

Menu Planning:

- Collaborate with vendors to develop concession menus that align with event themes, audience preferences, and dietary requirements.

- Introduce innovative food and beverage options to enhance the concessions offerings and generate increased revenue.

Financial Management:

- Maintain accurate records of sales, expenses, and cash handling procedures, ensuring accountability and compliance with financial protocols.

- Prepare financial reports detailing concession sales, expenses, and profitability for each event.

Logistics and Planning:

- Work closely with event organizers to determine concession needs, layouts, and operational requirements.

- Develop a comprehensive plan for staffing, equipment, and supplies to ensure efficient concession operations.

Quality Assurance:

- Conduct regular inspections of concession stands to ensure they meet cleanliness, safety, and presentation standards.

- Gather customer feedback and implement improvements based on suggestions and observations.

Training and Development:

- Train new concession staff on proper procedures, customer service standards, and food safety regulations.

- Provide ongoing training and coaching to enhance the skills and performance of concession team members.

Inventory Control:

- Implement inventory control measures to prevent waste, spoilage, and shortages of concession products.

- Monitor consumption patterns and adjust inventory orders accordingly.

Event Collaboration:

- Collaborate with event organizers to plan concession-related promotions, discounts, and special offers to drive sales and enhance attendee experience.

- Assist in the overall event setup and logistics as needed, contributing to the success of the entire event.




The Grievance Committee will be comprised of the Area Chairman, the Sports Coordinator of the sport involved, and the Parliamentarian. The Area Chairman will serve as chairman. Any member of the committee who is first person party of the protest, officially involved with either team of the protest, or has a child participating in the specific sport league involved in the protest shall temporarily be released from the committee. The President shall appoint a person from the Board of Directors who is not directly or indirectly involved in the specific sport league involved in the protest to serve as temporary member. The committee will review the written protest, all written and verbal testimony and all applicable Association rules and regulations and rule accordingly. The findings of the committee will be final and binding and effective immediately, with the exception of, but not limited to, the recommended dismissal of any party of the protest to the Board of Directors for resolution.


A grievance is a complaint with a suggested resolution. The only matters that may be considered a grievance are treatment of player by coaches or spectators, or any violation of the CAA Coaches Code of Conduct. No other matters are disputable, including:

  1. Coaching guidelines found within the CAA Coaches Code of Conduct and promulgated by the Board of Directors as Annex A of the By-laws.

  2. Non-selection as a coach or player.

  3. Age groupings as set by CAA and/or Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation.

  4. Field usage as directed by City government representative bodies or private entities.

  5. Players or coaches barred from participation by CAA.

  6. Any or all items stated as responsibilities of Sports Coordinator found within the CAA By-laws.

Any grievance will be submitted in writing to the applicable Sports Coordinator. The Coordinator will make a decision within fourteen (14) days. If the aggrieved party disagrees with the decision of the Coordinator, he/she can submit the grievance in writing to the CAA President within three (3) days of issuance of the Coordinator's decision. Upon receipt of written grievance, the following shall occur:

The grievance will go to the Grievance Committee, which consists of the Area Chairman, Parliamentarian and the Sports Coordinator of the sport involved.

The Grievance Committee will investigate, resolve and submit, in writing, its resolution within seven (7) days.

The Grievance Committee will judge the merit of the grievance on information in the written grievance, interviews with parties involved, written statements, or any other evidence it may consider relevant to the grievance.

The Grievance Committee will base its decision on a simple majority vote of panel members.

The decision of the Grievance Committee is final and binding.



The Executive Officers of the Association will be elected at the December general membership meeting. The terms of the offices will run two (2) years from the date of installation or until new officers are elected thereafter.


Any member in good standing will be eligible for any position. No person will hold more than one (1) executive office at any one time, the exception being in the temporary capacity, not to exceed ninety (90) days. No two (2) same household members may hold executive office positions during the same election period unless approved by all members of the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors will appoint an interim appointee to an elective office until the office can be filled at the next general membership meeting. This includes all resignations during the fiscal year.


Any resignations will be presented in writing to the President of the Association. In the case of the resignation of the President, the written notice will be presented to the Vice President.


A nominating committee chaired by the Vice President and consisting of two (2) members (for a total committee of three (3) persons) will be formed in the September general membership meeting for the purpose of receiving nominations to be placed on the ballot. All nominations must be presented to the nomination committee a minimum of 10 days prior to the December general membership meeting. All nominees must consent to serve prior to the election, and all nominees will have to submit a criminal history report prior to the election. The names of all nominees will be posted prior to the election and included on the ballot. The duties and responsibilities of any office will be notified to each nominee prior to the election and may be read, upon request, in the general membership meeting prior to the election.


Election will be by secret ballot unless dispensed with by a majority affirmative vote of members in good standing and present. In the event that there is one (1) nominee for each office, the election will be by affirmation. Officers will be installed immediately upon election, with responsibilities to be transferred, at the next regular Board of Directors meeting or at the end of the sport in the case of a Sports Coordinator.


A quorum will consist of at least ten (10) general members, of which a majority must approve any business brought before the Association at a general membership meeting. In the event ten (10) general members are not present, the Board of Directors is authorized to act. Six (6) members of the Board of Directors will constitute a quorum, of which a majority must approve any business brought before the Association at a general membership meeting. Six (6) members of the Board of Directors will constitute a quorum at a Board of Directors meeting, of which a majority must approve any business brought before the Board of Directors.



Board of Directors meetings will be held on the second Monday of each calendar month at such places and times designated by the Board of Directors. If the second Monday of the month is a legal holiday, then the meeting will be held on the third Monday of the month.

The general membership meetings will be held four (4) times annually, during the following months: February, May, September and December. The Board of Directors will set the date of each general membership meeting.

The annual election of the Association Executive Officers will be conducted at the December general membership meeting.

Special meetings:

  1. Board of Directors – As called for by the President or the Board of Directors in emergency situations, with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to all Board members.

  2. General membership – As called for by (1) the President, (2) a majority vote by the Board of Directors, or (3) the general membership, provided the purpose is stated in writing and presented to an Executive Officer to be distributed to the remaining Executive Officers. Upon review by the Executive Officers, a meeting may be scheduled as deemed necessary. The general membership will be notified of the subject of the meeting a minimum of three (3) days in advance of the proposed meeting and in writing when necessary.

Order of Business: The order of all meetings (general membership and Board of Directors) will be as follows:

Call to order

Reading of minutes

Treasurer's report


Committee reports

 Sports Coordinators reports

Old business (unfinished)

New business


Discussions: A time limit of discussions may be placed at the discretion of the President up to a maximum of three (3) minutes.



Proposals for amendments to the By-laws will be submitted in writing at a general membership meeting of the Association. Said proposals will be circulated in writing by the Secretary to the membership and will be acted on at the next general membership meeting thereafter. Amendments will be effective upon ratification by majority vote, if the requirements for a quorum have been met.



The proceedings of the Association will be conducted in accordance with “ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER”, current revision.



All league activities will operate under the general By-laws and rules, as set forth by the Department of Parks and Recreation for the City of Virginia Beach, current edition. Any revision by the Department of Parks and Recreation will automatically become part of the Association By-laws, ARTICLE XI.


All activities not covered under the Department of Parks and Recreation will have rules and regulations developed and approved by the Board of Directors of the Association and will be incorporated under ARTICLE X. Guidelines involving CAA youth participation in activities such as “All-Star” teams will be delineated in an Annex, to be voted on by the Board of Directors.






COACHES: A Code of Ethics will be signed by all coaches and their assistants and returned to the Area Chairman by the Sports Coordinators. A copy is attached hereto as Annex A.

These By-laws were approved by a vote of the General Membership in May 8, 2023 and are hereby submitted to the Officers of the Board of Directors of the Creeds Athletic Association, Inc., for ratification and insertion into the minutes of the Association, this 8th day of May, 2023.























































Annex A



  1. Creeds Athletic Association Coaches’ Code of Conduct


The responsibility of each coach is to ensure that the fundamentals of the sport are taught, and to ensure that fair play, sportsmanship and the safety of all participants.


Every coach will adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Conduct himself/herself in a good sportsmanship manner at all times.


  1. Coaches will ensure that all players are treated equally regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, or playing ability.


  1. Coaches will not use nor condone the use of profane or abusive language, or gestures toward any coach, player, parent, or league official while serving as a coach.


  1. Coaches are not authorized to charge any equipment or uniform purchases to CAA.


  1. Coaches will advise their players that uniforms are to be with shirt tails tucked in and hats with brim facing forward.


  1. All trash and litter shall be disposed of properly after all practices and games. Leaving the field in a better condition than they found it. 


  1. The coach will ensure that a team representative is present at any meeting called by the Sports Coordinator.


  1. Coaches must refrain from using alcohol or tobacco while in the presence of any CAA athletes while using CAA facilities.


  1. Coaches are required to turn in all equipment at the end of the season to CAA, including: bats, balls, gloves, catching equipment, ball machines, bags, etc.


  1. Coaches are to ensure that player’s parents, friends, family members, or supporters adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Violations to this code by any spectators will be brought to the attention of the Grievance Committee and may result in a forfeit for the game at which the incident took place.


Failure to adhere to the above guidelines may result in the following:


  1. The CAA Board members have the authority to verbally warn a coach that he/she has violated a portion of the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with any portion of the Code of Conduct may result in automatic expulsion.


  1. Board approved coaches who have written complaints lodged against them may be subject to reprimand by the Grievance Committee.


  1. The CAA Executive Officers may have the right and authority to suspend or expel any coach for his/her actions and/or behavior that is deemed inappropriate or violates good order and sportsmanship.


I hereby certify that I have read and understand CAA’s Coaches Code of Conduct and hereby agree to uphold all responsibilities and guidelines outlined in it. I understand the penalties I may face if I violate this Code of Conduct.


Coach (print)______________________________


Date _______________         Sport _______________________________


Team ____________________          Signature _______________________


Creeds Athletic Association

PO Box 7011 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23457

Email: [email protected]

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